who we are
"Arts4all - Intercultural Association" non-profit was born in November 2008 from an idea of Eva Kosa, dancer and choreographer, with the aim of spreading and encouraging the meeting and mutual knowledge of different cultural traditions and promoting their integration using the language of art as the main tool.
For the foundation of the association he availed himself of the collaboration of some friends who are experts in classical and contemporary music, theater and visual arts with whom, among other things, he collaborated in the staging of the musical "Add a place at the table", represented between 2005 and 2007 in various squares in Tuscany in collaboration with several important NGOs.
Founding members:
Eva Kosa - President
Marco Maltinti - Vice-president
Lucia Ilaria Ginocchi - Counselor
Maria Bernardoni - Counselor
Paola Ronzon - Secretary
Francesca Andreis - Counselor
Eva Kosa
Ballet teacher at the Dea dance school in Livorno. Graduated from the National Academy of Dance and Liceul de choregrafie si arte Dramatica "O. Stroia", Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Graduated in Choreographic Pedagogy at the “Gh. Dima ”of Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Former dancer of the Brasov Opera House (Romania). Over the years she has perfected herself in contemporary dance, Cunningham method with maestro Dino Verga, at the National Foundation of Aterballetto Dance in Reggio Emilia, also working with masters Luca Russo (Aton Dino Verga dance company) Paolo Mangiola (Random Dance) and Cheryl Therrien (Merce Cunningham dance company). Other projects: as choreographer “Add a place at the table”, with the Singers Tribe company, represented between 2005 and 2007 in various squares in Tuscany;
“Orfeo ed Euridice” by Ch. W. Gluck, "Traviata" by G. Verdi, "Sì" by P. Mascagni, on behalf of Fondazione Goldoni-Livorno. He held stage and masterclass at: AMGD - Conservatory of Music “Gheorghe Dima”, Faculty of Performing Arts, Cluj-Romaina;
Liceul de choregrafie si arta dramatica "O. Stroia", Cluj-Romania
IDEA DANZA, Pistoia.
INTERDANZA, Livorno and others. Did part as a juror in dance competitions.
Marco Maltinti
Vice president
He studied Piano at the Pietro Mascagni Music Institute in Livorno.
Web Marketing Manager and Digital Strategist at Civico8adv.
Lucia Ilaria Ginocchi
Francesca Andreis
Maria Pia Bernardoni
Paola Ronzon